
Raw & Refined desserts have become a real trend! For gelato it means pure, intense chocolate flavours that hit every taste bud. Preparing your chocolate gelato with ChocoBase and ChocoGrattato, equals awakening the force of nature. ChocoGrattato is 100% pure Belgian chocolate – only minimally conched to preserve its powerful, brutal taste. Optionally sprinkle the gelato with Callebaut Cocoa Nibs to create a raw texture and exciting crunch.


Ingredients: ChocoGrezzo

  • 1 bag(s)
  • 5.3 lb
    hot water (70°-85°)
  • 1 bag(s)

Preparation: ChocoGrezzo

Mix together with immersion blender for ± 2 mins.
For a better structure, leave to rest in refrigerator (3-5°C) for ± 30 mins.
Pour into batch freezer and start churning.
When the gelato leaves the batch freezer, dust with Callebaut® ChocoGrattato and sprinkle with Callebaut® cocoa nibs.
Finish with broken pieces of dark chocolate.
Optionally you can give them a rough brush (use a small steel brush)
for an extra rugged look.
4 kg (± 4.5 L) of gelato ready to serve.
Leave to rest in blast freezer for a few mins.