Extra Dark ChocoGelato - ChocoBase

How to make homemade Italian-style ice cream from scratch? This extra dark chocolate gelato recipe is perfect for bringing out a 100% pure, intense dark chocolate taste. Our chefs recommend using finely grated ChocoGrattato powder to easily mix in your gelato preparation. This will yield a rich cocoa flavour that bursts with character and a delicious, smooth texture. Want to play around with its consistency? Store your gelato preparation in the freezer to achieve a perfect end result with a lovely creamy texture.
1 tub

Extra dark ChocoGelato - ChocoBase

Ingredients: Extra dark ChocoGelato - ChocoBase

  • 5.3 lb
    hot water (70°-85°)
  • 1.8 lb
  • 1.8 lb

Preparation: Extra dark ChocoGelato - ChocoBase

Mix together with immersion blender for about 2 minutes.
Leave to rest in refrigerator (3-5°C) for about 30 minutes.
Pour into batch freezer and start churning.
Leave to rest in blast freezer for more stability and better structure.