Chocolate Chip Shortbread

This easy recipe modernises a traditional recipe by putting a chocolate twist on a firm favourite. Dipped in both Callebaut 811 dark chocolate and W2 white chocolate, this chocolate chip shortbread is a great addition to refresh a menu.

Chocolate Chip Shortbread

Ingredients: Chocolate Chip Shortbread

  • 8.8 oz
    caster sugar
  • 1.1 lb
  • 14.1 oz
    plain flour
  • 7.1 oz
    ground almonds
  • 2 zest
  • 1 pod(s)
  • 1.8 oz

Preparation: Chocolate Chip Shortbread

Pre-heat the oven to 180c
Place all the ingredients into a food mixer with a paddle attachment
Mix until all the butter is combined and has formed a crumb texture
Place 50g of the cookie mix into an 8cm circle silicone mat
Gently press the mix to make it hold its shape
Cook for 10 minutes until golden brown
Allow to cool
To decorate half dip in either melted Callebaut W2 white chocolate callets or Callebaut 811 dark chocolate callets
Sprinkle with some vermicelli

For chocolate shortbread replace 50g of the plain flour with cocoa powder, and replace the Callebaut 811 chocolate callets with Callebaut W2 white chocolate callets.


Hi - this calls for 1.8 oz CP - could you please tell me what CP is? Thank you!