Vanilla Insert

Ingredients: Vanilla Insert

  • 200 g
  • 50 g
    egg yolks
  • 36 g
  • 0,25 g
  • 12 g
    gelatin mass

Preparation: Vanilla Insert

Mix sugar and egg yolks, heat the cream. Add vanilla and cook at 85°C. Add gelatine and cool. 

Lime Cream

Ingredients: Lime Cream

  • 140 g
  • 12 g
    ice cream stabiliser
  • 18 g
    NH pectin
  • 90 g
    egg yolks
  • 280 g
    lime puree
  • 340 g
  • 140 g
    dairy butter

Preparation: Lime Cream

Mix sugar, stabilizer and pectin with egg yolks. Heat lime puree with water and add ingredients. Cook at 85°C.

Callebaut® Gold Mousse

Ingredients: Callebaut® Gold Mousse

Preparation: Callebaut® Gold Mousse

Boil lime puree, glucose, cream and cinnamon. Add chocolate, cocoa butter and gelatine mass. Mix well. Add whipped cream at 35°C.

Callebaut® Gold Glazing

Ingredients: Callebaut® Gold Glazing

Preparation: Callebaut® Gold Glazing

Boil sugar, water and glucose to 105°C. Pour over rest of ingredients and mix well. 
Use at 40°C.

Chocolate Biscuit

Ingredients: Chocolate Biscuit

  • 296 g
    egg white
  • 270 g
  • 196 g
    egg yolks
  • 89 g
    cocoa powder

Preparation: Chocolate Biscuit

Whip egg whites with sugar. Fold in the egg yolks. Add cocoa powder, bake at 169°C for 10 mins.