Glaze with ruby rb1

Make your fine patisserie shine with a wowing ruby glaze and taste. The great thing with this recipe is that you can make it in bigger quantities and preserve it in the fridge until you need it. The perfectly runny and sticky texture enable easy glazing to perfection, without air bubbles or defects. In short: pastries with impeccable ruby looks in your shop counter.
enough to glaze 4 large entremets

ruby glaze

Ingredients: ruby glaze

  • 1.4 oz
  • 8.2 oz
  • 8.2 oz

Preparation: ruby glaze

Boil to 104°C.

Ingredients: ruby glaze

Preparation: ruby glaze

Pour over previous mixture. Mix well.

Pour in bowl, seal and keep in fridge. Heat to 35°C before use.