Chocolate and mint ice cream
True culinary wonders happen when you put two chocolate geniuses together. Callebaut chefs Beverley Dunkley and Julie Sharp joined forces to create this delightfully refreshing recipe, which yields a powerful minty chocolate ice cream with dark chocolate inclusions for an additional bit of intense cocoa taste and texture.
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Chocolate and mint ice cream
Ingredients: Chocolate and mint ice cream
500 gmilk
500 gcream
Preparation: Chocolate and mint ice cream
Bring to the boil.
Ingredients: Chocolate and mint ice cream
130 gegg yolks
250 gsugar
Preparation: Chocolate and mint ice cream
Pour the boiling milk onto the egg yolks and sugar and place back in the saucepan on a low heat to allow the mix to thicken and pasteurise - 80°C for 125 seconds.
Ingredients: Chocolate and mint ice cream
Q.S.granulated sugar
Q.S.Mint oil
Preparation: Chocolate and mint ice cream
Stir some granulated sugar through precrystallised 811 chocolate to create a crunchy texture.
And mint oil to taste.
Place into an ice cream machine and churn. Just before you remove the ice cream from the machine, sprinkle in small chocolate chip pieces, allow it to evenly distribute then. Remove and freeze.
Crystallised chocolate soil recipe
Ingredients: Crystallised chocolate soil recipe
200 gcaster sugar
75 gwater
Preparation: Crystallised chocolate soil recipe
Cook to 135°C.
Ingredients: Crystallised chocolate soil recipe
Preparation: Crystallised chocolate soil recipe
Add and whisk until the chocolate crystallises. Pour onto a Silpat mat to cool.
Chocolate and mint shards
Ingredients: Chocolate and mint shards
Preparation: Chocolate and mint shards
Fold through some granulated sugar to add a crunchy texture and add mint oil to taste.
Finishing and presentation
Scoop in a large ball of chocolate and mint ice cream. Decorate with chocolate and mint shards and chocolate soil on the plate.