Hazelnut and chocolate macaroon

Marc Ducobu combines chocolate and hazelnut flavours in a delicious macaron. The macaron is easy to make with Callebaut®'s Crema Dell'Artigiano Nocciola, and keeps a perfectly smooth and moist texture for a long period of time without drying out.

Hazelnut and chocolate macaroon

Ingredients: Hazelnut and chocolate macaroon

  • 2.0 lb
    egg white
  • 2.5 lb
  • 4.7 lb
    TPT (50% icing sugar, 50% powdered almonds)
  • 3.5 oz

Preparation: Hazelnut and chocolate macaroon

Raise the egg white. Tighten with the sugar. Incorporate the sieved grounds and cocoa powder while mixing to break the whites.

Trim with a piping bag and bake for 12 minutes at 160°C, damper open. (To obtain 100 macaroons you must trim 200 little balls.)

Finishing and presentation

Put the mixture between two pastry balls to obtain a macaroon.