Sao Thomé ganache

Ingredients: Sao Thomé ganache

  • 294 g
    35% cream
  • 42 g
  • 65 g
    invert sugar
  • 65 g
    glucose syrup DE 60

Preparation: Sao Thomé ganache

Mix together at 40°C.

Ingredients: Sao Thomé ganache

Preparation: Sao Thomé ganache

Melt chocolate at 35°C and add butter oil.

Add both mixtures to a blender and emulsify. Mould at a temperature between 30 and 35°C. Leave to crystallise.

Unsweetened apricot vanilla jelly

Ingredients: Unsweetened apricot vanilla jelly

  • 690 g
    apricot puree
  • 296 g
    caster sugar
  • 5 g
    yellow pectin
  • 10 g
    white vinegar
  • 2 g

Preparation: Unsweetened apricot vanilla jelly

Boil together at 105°C and cool immediately.

Splash white and yellow-coloured cocoa butter into the praline moulds. Before it crystallises, treat the moulds with compressed air to smear out the colours. Leave the cocoa butter to crystallise and mould the pralines with Callebaut® dark chocolate of your choice. Leave to crystallise again and fill the bottom of the moulds with a layer of apricot vanilla jelly, followed by a layer of Sao Thomé ganache. Seal the moulds with the same Callebaut® dark chocolate you used to create them.